What are the Risks of Spay Neuter? by Dr. Karen Becker
Effects of Surgical Sterilization on Canine and Feline Health and on Society by MV Root Kustritz
Neutering Dogs: Effects on Joint Disorders and Cancers in Golden Retrievers by various
Study shines spotlight on neutering by R. Scott Nolen
Are There Behavior Changes When Dogs Are Spayed or Neutered? by Stanley Coren
They Studied Dogs That Had Extreme Longevity and Guess What They Found? by Dr. Karen Becker
Why I’ve Had a Change of Heart About Neutering Pets by Dr. Karen Becker
Goat Milk for Dogs by Dana Scott
What Africa’s Wild Dogs Can Teach Us About Conformation by ??
Abstract: How studying the skeletal structures of wild dogs can show us nature’s selection for optimal movement and endurance.
How Structure Affects Movement by ??
Abstract: For boxers, but the pictures are invaluable.
Structure and Movement Part I by Carmen L Battaglia
Structure and Movement Part II by Carmen L Battaglia
Shoulders by ??
It’s What’s Up Front that Counts by AKC Staff
Abstract: Why dogs with incorrect front assemblies tend to win shows.
Old School: Reviving Breeder Education by Kathy Lorentzen
Abstract: It is important for newbies in the breeding/conformation world to exercise humility and open themselves to learning from those who have significant experience. It is equally integral that mentors help these youngsters pick up the torch so that the breed can be preserved for posterity. There are many ways to foster intellectual curiosity, exploration, and education in the breed community!
Reading Pedigrees: A Lost Art? by Barbara J. Andrews
Abstract: How to read a pedigree and understand the genetic makeup of a dog. How line-breeding works. Even if a dog and bitch are outstanding representatives of the breed, it will not translate into their offspring unless they are “genetically compatible.”
Choosing the Right Sire by Carmen L Battaglia
Abstract: Breeders historically choose stud dogs based on convenience, cost, pedigree, offspring, and/or ancestors, but should focus most on health, temperament, and what he has to offer the bitch (and what he has offered past ones). This takes significant research.
Breeding to the Great Dogs by Carmen L Battaglia
Abstract: Picking a stud dog takes careful consideration of the males strengths, the female’s weaknesses, pedigree background, and how the two will balance. Not all top males will be top producers, so it is important to study their offspring. Avoid popular studs, as their overuse narrows the gene pool and exaggerates their negative (as well as positive) qualities.
Raising the Alarm on Designer Breeds
Abstract: Cute as they may be, designer breeds come with a host of uncertainties, problems, and high price tags.
3 Simple Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Your Dog by Jessica Peralta
The Science of How Behavior is Inherited in Aggressive Dogs by Alexandra Semyonova
What are the Risks of Spay Neuter? by Dr. Karen Becker
Effects of Surgical Sterilization on Canine and Feline Health and on Society by MV Root Kustritz
Neutering Dogs: Effects on Joint Disorders and Cancers in Golden Retrievers by various
Study shines spotlight on neutering by R. Scott Nolen
Are There Behavior Changes When Dogs Are Spayed or Neutered? by Stanley Coren
They Studied Dogs That Had Extreme Longevity and Guess What They Found? by Dr. Karen Becker
Why I’ve Had a Change of Heart About Neutering Pets by Dr. Karen Becker
Goat Milk for Dogs by Dana Scott
What Africa’s Wild Dogs Can Teach Us About Conformation by ??
Abstract: How studying the skeletal structures of wild dogs can show us nature’s selection for optimal movement and endurance.
How Structure Affects Movement by ??
Abstract: For boxers, but the pictures are invaluable.
Structure and Movement Part I by Carmen L Battaglia
Structure and Movement Part II by Carmen L Battaglia
Shoulders by ??
It’s What’s Up Front that Counts by AKC Staff
Abstract: Why dogs with incorrect front assemblies tend to win shows.
Old School: Reviving Breeder Education by Kathy Lorentzen
Abstract: It is important for newbies in the breeding/conformation world to exercise humility and open themselves to learning from those who have significant experience. It is equally integral that mentors help these youngsters pick up the torch so that the breed can be preserved for posterity. There are many ways to foster intellectual curiosity, exploration, and education in the breed community!
Reading Pedigrees: A Lost Art? by Barbara J. Andrews
Abstract: How to read a pedigree and understand the genetic makeup of a dog. How line-breeding works. Even if a dog and bitch are outstanding representatives of the breed, it will not translate into their offspring unless they are “genetically compatible.”
Choosing the Right Sire by Carmen L Battaglia
Abstract: Breeders historically choose stud dogs based on convenience, cost, pedigree, offspring, and/or ancestors, but should focus most on health, temperament, and what he has to offer the bitch (and what he has offered past ones). This takes significant research.
Breeding to the Great Dogs by Carmen L Battaglia
Abstract: Picking a stud dog takes careful consideration of the males strengths, the female’s weaknesses, pedigree background, and how the two will balance. Not all top males will be top producers, so it is important to study their offspring. Avoid popular studs, as their overuse narrows the gene pool and exaggerates their negative (as well as positive) qualities.
Raising the Alarm on Designer Breeds
Abstract: Cute as they may be, designer breeds come with a host of uncertainties, problems, and high price tags.
3 Simple Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Your Dog by Jessica Peralta
The Science of How Behavior is Inherited in Aggressive Dogs by Alexandra Semyonova